Check Facebook for dates/times of availability.


Tuesday 3pm - 6pm

Wednesday 10am - 1pm

Thursday 3pm - 6pm

Saturday 10am - 1pm

Donations are accepted during open hours.

Click Here for more information.

July 3, 2018 opened doors to a new era in the Marshall area. Oaklawn Hospital has partnered with us to open a store at 413 Michigan Ave in downtown Marshall. 

If you have something you are no longer using, you will be able to bring it in and drop it off. If you need something, you can come pick it up. No money exchanged. Just neighbors being neighbors. 

Medical Supply Room

At Marshall UMC
Do you know that Marshall UMC has a classroom dedicated to help those in need with free medical supplies?  
Everything from wheelchairs, to crutches, depends, boost and more.  It's all free to you to use as long as you need it.  If it comes back for others to use, great, if not, no worries. 

pastor's discretionary

It's not a hand out, but a hand up. All monetary gifts are used to help with gas, groceries, car repairs, utilities, and other needs that our friends and neighbors have from time to time. We are called to live simply so others might simply live. 

If at any time you have a need due to loss of wages, staying home with kids, or other costs due to the health concerns, please contact Ruth Ann Holmes.  The Pastor's Discretionary Fund assists with the following:

  • utilities
  • gas cards
  • grocery cards (and assistance with other direct food programs)
  • supplies for schooling from home
  • medicine or medical bills
  • car repairs
  • rent/mortgage payments
  • and more! Let us know if you have a need! Your church family would love to be able to help. 

If you need help, contact the church office at (269) 781-5107


We have a very long relationship with the people of White Oak, Tennessee. 

Our team helps with plumbing, construction, and other home repairs. 

Anyone 13 years old or older is invited to be part of this annual mission trip.

The cost per person is less than $300.  All members of the team are expected

to participate in the fundraisers to pay for the cost of materials and extras on the trip.

Some of our fundraisers are candy making, a painting party,

and our annual Swiss steak dinner.

Please let us know if you would like to be part of this team.

You can call the office at 781-5107 or talk to Max Miller.


Dates: Once each fall       Location: Chatham, Illinois

You are invited to join a team of people that head to Chatham, Illinois, for a mission trip

at MMDC. During the mission experience to Midwest, our team will be sorting

and packing flood buckets, hygiene, health, and school kits. Other possible jobs

include landscaping and building projects. All skill levels are welcome to come.

We will be staying in a comfortable dorm and will be sharing cooking responsibilities.

The cost of the missions trip is very reasonable. This is guaranteed to be a heartwarming experience, as you work side-by-side with other churches to prepare and send items to needy areas in the U.S. and around the world.

For more information, contact the church office at 269-781-5107.


We support their work with ongoing food collection, cash donations, and seasonal projects like the amazing Christmas Baskets given to hundreds of our neighbors in need. Click this link to see all the up and coming MACS Inc. events. 


Homeless Shelter

and Rehabilitation Center

What is the Haven of Rest Ministries?

Established in 1956 by Don and Wilma Chalfant as "The Haven of Rest Rescue Mission," The Haven originally provided meals, shelter and the gospel message to homeless men. The Haven has expanded to offer many innovative services to the ever changing homeless population, who need help in learning social self-sufficiency and productivity.


A local agency that helps people get back on their feet

We support their work with ongoing clothing collections, cash donations, and some of our members offer volunteer time on site. They have a store for the public with great hand made items, as well as other great merchandise, that helps fund their work. They also have a free store for those in great need.

Click here for more information. 


The General Board of Global Ministries is the worldwide mission, relief and development agency of The United Methodist Church, working with partners and churches in more than 115 countries to equip and transform people and places for God’s mission. Learn more or donate here.