Through our online donations platforms, you have the ability to set up recurring giving. 

Whether you want to give weekly, monthly, bi-monthly or even yearly, you can set up a recurring donation so you will never forget.

The best option, to save our church processing fees, is to set up a recurring donation based off your banks automated bill paying . That way, 100% of your giving makes it to the church. 

Every contribution is tax-deductible to you, and will be used to do the ministry at Marshall United Methodist Church and around the world. Thanks again for your generosity!


Click here or on the PayPal Logo on the left to begin using PayPal.

drop box at the church

We now have a permanent locked drop box under the canopy at the north doors of the church for your convenience day or night, 365 days a year. Just open the door and place your gift in the slot. You'll also find envelopes on the door of the box to place your gift in as well.  Please utilize them for cash and write your name on the envelope prior to leaving.  Finance Team has a key to open and collect all offerings. 


To donate to There's Enough: Community Free Store, click here for Easy Tithe and choose "There's Enough" from the FUNDS menu.

The joy of giving

  • UMC Marketplace

    Shop Online and Give at the Same Time
    Did you know that the United Methodist Church has buying power?? Oh yes! So much so that companies are willing to partner with us by giving a percent of each purchase back to our churches. Simply sign up today and every time you see the little dandelion iGive button appears at the top of a webpage, that tells you a portion of your purchase will go to MUMC! It adds up fast, so sign up today HERE.

  • Amazon smile

    Shop Online and Give at the Same Time
    Did you know that our church is signed up to receive a portion of all your purchases on Amazon? Absolutely! Simply visit HERE and sign up today! Choose "United Methodist Church of Marshall, Marshall MI" (not Marshall UMC.... different state) and every time you purchase from Amazon from thereafter, simply go to their site (instead of their regular and a portion of every purchase will come back to MUMC!  Use at work or at home.