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This weekly eNewsletter details events, available book studies, youth and small group updates, worship opportunities, mission opportunities, financials, what's new for the greater Michigan Area United Methodist Church, and a prayer needed section.   To get on the email list contact the office at 269-781-5107 or email

Click the date for the week's MUMC Happenings.











Archived newsletters available here.

  • fresh food distribution

    Fresh Food Distribution

    1st Wednesday of each Month

    4 pm-5 pm

    Join us if you'd like to help with the distribution. There are many things to do from helping direct cars to breaking down boxes to putting food boxes into cars for families.  Whichever you choose, what a reward knowing you've helped those in need.  For more information contact John Seppanen at or by calling John at (269) 420-3146.

    In need of some extra food this month? Enter south parking lot anytime after 3:30pm and we'll be glad to load you up!

    The First Wednesday of every month, starting at 4 pm MUMC hosts the Fresh Food Distribution. What a blessing it has been to begin offering fresh food to our neighbors and friends. Watch the video below to see just how many we are able to serve each month! Watch Here

  • Attention 6th-12th Graders

    and Parents

    180 Youth Group
    If you are a parent of a 6th-12th grader (or know one that would like to attend) and need more information, please feel free to get in touch with Discipleship Director, Maddy Martinson! There's lots of fun events coming up. LIKE us on Facebook.

  • Volunteers Wanted

    Positions open for:
    Nursery volunteers
    Front desk volunteers
    Greeters on Sunday mornings
    Modern music volunteers

    Contact the church at


    Do you have an interest in singing, playing an instrument or helping to run audio or video in either service?   Contact Music Director Rob Monahan at or call 734-904-1298.

  • Lay Servant Ministry Classes

    Are you interested in growing your faith and leadership capacity? Click this link to find a class that fits your schedule:

  • Red Cross Blood Drive

    See the Midweek email for dates.

    Donors are strongly urged to give now to help ensure lifesaving blood products are available for patients. Hospital demand continues to outpace donations, and your help is vital.

    Click here to schedule an appointment or call 1-800-RED CROSS.

    Remember to bring your donor ID card and or a picture id.  

  • Medical supply room

    At Marshall UMC
    Do you know that Marshall UMC has a classroom dedicated to help those in need with free medical supplies?  
    Everything from wheelchairs, to crutches, depends, boost and more.  It's all free to you to use as long as you need it.  If it comes back for others to use, great, if not, no worries. 

  • vaccination information

    Call the health department at 269-441-0912 to schedule
    Calhoun County residents who want to get the COVID-19 vaccine, can call 269-441-0912 to schedule an appointment. Due to high call volumes, we ask that callers leave a message and should expect a call back within 36 hours. This is only for seniors 65+; information about other vaccine opportunities for essential workers will be published when they're available.

  • Al-anon


    For more information, contact the church at 269-781-5107.

  • Building Use Form

    Click in the box to the left for a copy of the current Building Use Form.

    For help in completing your building use request, please email Shannon.